Star Alliance Business Class from Milan to Sydney
Mit der Star Alliance, allen voran der Lufthansa nebst Tochtergesellschaften SWISS und Austrian Airlines sowie Singapore Airlines kommt man von Januar bis November 2020 an einigen Terminen zu sehr günstigen Konditionen von Mailand aus nach Sydney in Australien! Wir haben Flugpreise in der sehr guten Business Class der Airline bereits ab sensationellen 2.400 Euro festgestellt.
With departure in Milan you'll get extremely low rates with Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines for flights to Sydney, Australia. We found fares in the good Business Class of the 5-Star Star Alliance Members for great 2.400 Euro (for in- and outbound flights)! The flights are available from January until November 2020.
Der Deal ist bis auf Weiteres verfügbar. This deal is available until further notice
Star Alliance Business Class from Milan to Sydney - additional fare rules
no additional rules available
Star Alliance Business Class from Milan to Sydney - Sample Booking
Star Alliance Business Class from Milan to Sydney - Airport Informations
Sorry, acutally we have no informations for Milan airports available. Please visit our Airport guide for other airports.
Star Alliance Business Class from Milan to Sydney - Flight Product
Informationen zum Lufthansa Flugprodukt erhalten Sie hier (acutally only german language available)
Informationen zum Singapore Airlines Flugprodukt erhalten Sie hier (acutally only german language available)